Also there was a movie quizz, for sure related to the Vampire stuff,
IM NOT SURE AT ALL IF MY RESULTS ARE OK,but at least i got the trophy.
Let me know if i did a mistake to correct =)
1. What hilariously HOT Vampire movie was a bigger television hit than it was on the big screen?
Interview with a Vampire
Buffy the Vampire Slayer***
2. What popular singer played the Queen in Queen of the Damned?
Debbie Gibson
Johnny Cash
Mariah Carey
3. What are the names of the star-crossed lovers in the smash-hit Twilight?
Jack and Jane
Bella and Edward***
Burt and Ernie
Lisa and Bart
Isabelle and Bertrand
4. What actress shared her first on screen kiss with a much older Brad Pitt in Interview with a Vampire?
Kirsten Dunst***
Betty Boop
My sister. She loves Brad Pitt.
Dakota Fanning
That girl from Little Miss Sunshine
5. What was the first Vampire movie ever made?
Joan River's first home video
6. Which of the famous Corey Boys starred in more than one Vampire movie?
Corey Feldman*** I choose this one in my quizz
Corey Hernandez
Corey Haim
Corey McCorey Pants III
The joke is on you! They both did!
7. What sexy Australian actor is just as hot killing vampires in Van Helsing as he is in singing his heart out in Musical Theater?
Johnny Depp
Hugh Jackman***
Rosie O' Donnell
Russell Crowe
Gary Coleman
8. In the movie Underworld, what was the race of werewolves called that supposedly killed Selene's parents?
Oompa Loompas
9. Who was Mina's closest friend in Bram Stoker's Dracula?
Lucy Lui
Lucy McDonald
Lucy Goosey
Lucy Palencia
Lucy Westenra***
10. What actor originally immortalized Dracula's arch-nemesis, Van Helsing?
Hugh Jackman
Peter Cushing***
Samuel L. Jackson
Boris Karloff
Christopher Walken
11. In what Vampire movie will you hear the song "Bela Lugosi is dead" by Bauhaus?
American Pie
The Hunger***
Van Helsing
Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo
12. What would Louis, Brad Pitt's character in Interview with a Vampire feed on instead of humans?
Blood Bags
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52 Kommentare.:
hey, thanks for the answers, i only knew 2 of them myself!! thanks ever so much, how did you get them?
I knew them, well i just need help with 2 of them, hehehe but a friend of mine gave me the ^^
Im veronice on myspace or vampire =)
I found your answers and then I found the ask Wikipedia questions page. I compared the answers. With only one exception, all answers are the same.
The one that disagrees with the Wiki site is number 10. The answer Wiki gave was not on the list of options to pick so I used your answer.
Love your answers
:Great Songs: :)
indeed they are ;-) 10x
nice music
thank you a lots-----i didnt know the answer to number6 on my own---the others were great!!!
thabnks sooooooooo much
both corey were in lost boys 2 so technically it should be the last choice for that question
yup, you've right!!! Lol...
im gonna edit it!!! 10X
all your ansers seem fine except i got cory feldman
jep, thats the answer i got before...
and thinking about both Coreys appeared in the Lost Boys.. now im KEEP COREY FELDMAN!! ^^
Thank you for the answers for the quiz! i knew a handful but not all lol Feel free to invite me to your clan!
Thanks so much for your answers!!! They helped out a lot!!!
hopefully this playlist isnt taken off i love coming here to listen to ur amazing playlist!!
thank Anonymous...jejeje
btw the playlist i was refering to.. has gone time ago ^^
thank you for the answers! :)
Thanks for the quiz
thk for anwers on vamps
Love the music on your page! Your question answers were right on. Just the Corey's were both in more then one Vampire movie.
gracias por las respuestas
good work veronice
Hello Dude...
I put these answers that.. I became a Dracula but i don't receive the Tropphy =S
Does any one knows why??
Hi Anonymous (the last one) jojjo..
I know there are some bugs in the game and some ppl isnt getting Tropphies or any other stuff in the game.. this issues must be reported to Zynga.. hope they can fix them soon,,, cos the game is becoming boring and annoying =S
Thank you sooo much, Thank you Veronica, you were a BIG help, although I only knew two, I surprised myself and Thank You.
thank you for ur answer ^@^
thanx for the info...
i got myself a trophy too...
'gorgon'@vamp war
yup, all ur answers r right! but you get a trophy (fav point)just for finishin the quiz...i just went ahead n submitted it as it was, i left the answers the way they were-all on the 1st- n i got my result GOTH O_O n i still got the fav point!
hi veronica...
thanx for da answer.
vampire wars user name Puteri.(dun attack me haa..:P )
ty ate love you
sarap mong kagatin..hehehe
you have all answers on wikianswer but this rly help you,good job nice blog :)
Very good quiz guide and also VERY good playlist i bookmarked this so i can listen to the music you have good taste
i love you your music your answers and your blood taste great and is less filling!! lollol most of all i love your looks ! but i hate saying and telling it all! i also hate to leave perhaps ill come by again in the dead of the night when the night owls greet us with the whoing thruout the night! also sent you my name on myspace url! take care john! ;}~ ok ahorra en espanol gracias por todo! tu musica delicioso para los oidos, eres uns muchacha bien bella tambien gracias por las respuestas, mi gustaria darte un beso en el cuello odio pensar que muerdo y seria me esclave por vida!! je je je chiste bueno gracias! hasta luego! te invito a mi espacio! ;}~
Thanks for helping to complete the quiz,then you make a gift:
Thanks for help
thank uuuuuuuuuuu!!!!
Very Nice, Very Nice
thanks 4 ur answer babe!
without '2'
The music ROCKS !! over here
Love u..veronica ^^
thank you for ur answer
tank you for for the answers
hey, but where is the quiz...? is it unavailable already? ;_;
hey iv tryed to do the quiz and cannot find either am i looking correctly? or have they taken them away already?
here the same! i can't find it anymore!
Ehm, where can i find this quiz? I'm still new to vampire wars but i've been looking everywhere but can't find the quiz :S
where do i do the vampire movie quiz coz i can't find it in vampire wars and i really need the trophy now lol.
nikki xxx
where can i find the quiz?
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